Restoration Detox duadmin April 13, 2024
Restoration Detoxification

The Restoration Device is used by the Devas to rejuvenate our emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. It is a form of “angelic intelligence” that traditionally exists on the higher planes. The Devas have made it possible for us to use this for the last 6 years for a small group of people. Now we are pleased to share this with all our clients.

The Restoration Device session requires an in-person visit (by appointment only) to one of our two Devas Unlimited centers in Bangalore.

Service Details

Duration: 60 Minutes
Delivery Mode: In Person
More Details

What Happens During A Restoration Detoxification Session?

You will be asked to sit on a chair with crystals in a Pyramid placed over you. You will hear healing music so that your mind and body relax and absorb the energy of the device.

Service Details

Duration: 60 Minutes
Delivery Mode: In Person
Payment TypePrice
Within India (₹)INR 4000
International (US $)USD NA

What Will I Feel?

Most people will feel a surge of energy while in the device. Especially if they have been through a period of being disconnected. Afterwards, they may experience a greater sense of peace, connectedness, or clarity.

What Are The Benefits?

The Restoration detoxification are cosmic energy powerhouses, and meditating brneath them is extremely to the physical body too.
It may also help boost memory and cognitive functions, as well as healthy skin and hormone balance.
It heal your chakras and harmonise your mind, body and soul.

How Long Will These Benefits Last?

That depends on you. The benefits last longer in those who choose to live in love, joy, non-coveting, truth, forgiveness and gratitude. The best long term results occur in those who do not go back to old ways of negativity, damaging behavior and fearfulness.For maximum benefit we recommend one session a month for 3 months. With repeat sessions, your ability to take in more energy increases.


A Restoration detoxification session is not intended as a treatment for any physical or mental illness. Individuals with mental illness should take prior clearance from their psychiatrist. What you experience depends on your level of awareness.

Payment Options India

If you reside in India payment can be made Via online bank transfer. Bank details will be sent to you a few days prior to the session

Outside India

If you reside outside of India payment can be made through a PayPal link that will be sent to you a few days before the session

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