Restoration Session duadmin April 13, 2024
Devic Makeover Session

The Restoration Session helps restore our original Divine splendor.

Each of us are, in the highest sense, a direct emanation from God. However, we lose our original Divine splendor as we go deeper into the game of Maya and forget our true nature.

Restoration Sessions are a series of 3 sessions, each of which gradually increases the Divine splendor of your being.

Service Details

Duration: 25 Minutes
Delivery Mode: Online
More Details

What Happens During A Restoration Session?

The Session leader will take you on a guided meditation in which you will be introduced to the Restoration Devas – angels who specialize in restoring our original Divine splendor. They will gently treat you to a restoration session, often with a dash of Divine humor.

What Will I Feel?

Clients often feel a huge rush of energy during the session, and a positive change in their mental and emotional outlook during the days that follow. Others report looking more youthful and less stressed.

Service Details

Duration: 25 Minutes
Delivery Mode: Online
Payment TypePrice
Within India (₹)INR 6000
International (US $)USD 225

What Are The Benefits?

One of the Restoration Devas told us, “People have lost hope that the Golden Age will occur. These sessions will restore their faith, enthusiasm, and hope.”

How Long Will These Benefits Last?

The three Restoration Sessions last only 20-25 minutes each. However, to fully absorb the energy you will receive, you will need to rest for 30-60 minutes afterwards. Sessions take place via Zoom twice a day on most Saturdays and Sundays, so you can pick a convenient time that suits your time zone. Sessions are limited to 5 people at a time.

Sessions one and two should preferably occur during the same weekend.

The third session should ideally take place 4-6 weeks after the first two, but no later than 8 weeks.


We regret that people with the following conditions are not eligible for Restoration Sessions:
– Age under 18 years
– Serious medical condition
– Mental illness with a history of inpatient treatment; mental illness not receiving psychiatric care; or mental illness with medication non-compliance.
– Regular consumption of or addiction to alcohol, gambling, or pornography
– Individuals who have recently (< 12 months) or currently use tobacco, illicit drugs, vaping, marijuana, or CBD oil
– Individuals who are current or past devotees of events associated with Muddenahalli, Kangra and the like.

Payment Options India

If you reside in India payment can be made Via online bank transfer. Bank details will be sent to you a few days prior to the session

Outside India

If you reside outside of India payment can be made through a PayPal link that will be sent to you a few days before the session

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