Ajna Chakra Awakening Intensive duadmin December 2, 2024
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Unveiling the Portals of Perception and Intuitive Wisdom

Event Overview:

A transformative journey into the depths of consciousness, inviting spiritual seekers to explore the hidden dimensions of inner perception and unlock the extraordinary potential of the third eye.

The Sacred Threshold
The third eye – known in Sanskrit as Ajna chakra – represents more than a mystical concept. It is the gateway to:
Expanded consciousness
Intuitive intelligence
Spiritual perception
Inner guidance
Multidimensional awareness

Session Structure

This intensive is not merely a meditation session. It is a profound initiatory experience designed to:
•  Dissolve perceptual limitations with help from Devas
•  Activate dormant sensory capabilities
•  Cultivate profound inner vision
•  Connect with deeper layers of consciousness
•  Illuminate the path of spiritual understanding

Experiential Dimensions
Participants will engage in carefully curated practices that:
•  Heal fears blocking inner seeing 
•  Past life block resolution 
•  Addressing spiritual “trying too hard” 

Intensive Journey Architecture

Immersion Phase
•  Chakra cleansing and purifying 
•  Koshas strengthening
•  Foundational awareness practices to silence the mind

Activation Stage
•  Advanced meditative techniques with powerful sounds
•  Intuitive development protocols with crystals
•  Vibrational attunement with sound bowls

Potential Revelations

Participants might encounter:
•  Enhanced intuitive capabilities
•  Spontaneous insights
•  Expanded perceptual ranges
•  Energy sensitivity
•  Profound meditative states
•  Spiritual downloads
•  Multidimensional awareness glimpses

Spiritual Sovereignty
This is an invitation, not a promise. Each journey is uniquely personal. We provide the map; you navigate the territory.

Limited spaces available. Register now to secure your spot today.


December 14th, 2024


11:00 hrs to 13:00 hrs IST


Devas Unlimited, 902, S15, Smondoville, Neotown, Electronic City Phase 1, Bangalore, 560100, Karnataka

Registration Fees

For participants (including Lunch)
INR ₹4999