Who We Are duadmin April 9, 2024

Devas Unlimited provides services, retreats, and products for Inner Wellbeing. True inner wellbeing comes from personal and spiritual transformation. We hope that our offerings based in guidance from the Devas or Angels inspire you to invest your time, energy, and effort in your inner wellbeing. Our services, retreats and products revolve around seeking Divine guidance, enhancing spiritual practice (sadhana), energy healing and space clearings.

Our Story

We started Devas Unlimited in 2008, as guided by our Guru when He told Shivani (Co-Founder) “Devas Unlimited is meant to help people connect with their true Self. The Devas are here to help you do this. They are pure light and love.”

For the last 13 years, we have been working with clients towards their inner well-being. Our services, workshops, and retreats allow clients to experience –

The love and guidance of the Devas and how it illuminates and enriches their life.

That everyone can connect with the Devas and Masters and seek guidance towards their personal and spiritual transformation, towards their inner wellbeing.

From humble beginnings, today we have clients from all walks of life in more than 50 countries across the world.

Somewhere along our journey, we got introduced to Crystals. Crystals are powerful healing instruments and beings’ high consciousness. That is why we lovingly refer to them as Crystal Devas. Our crystals go by the brand Love Rocks and we sell a wide variety of crystals in various forms.

At a personal level, we hail from a family of followers of Goddess Gayatri and Sai Baba. Our grandparents sowed the seeds of

spirituality and love for mother Gayatri in our hearts. And Sai Baba drew us to Him in His mysterious ways as He does with innumerable people. He is our guiding light pointing us to the truth that only the Self, only Consciousness Is. And that true inner wellbeing is possible when we are centered in this truth.

We are grateful that in our journey at Devas Unlimited, we have met and continue to meet in the garb of clients’ beautiful souls, many of who have become our spiritual family, our DU family!

Why Devas Unlimited

In this Yuga (Era), everything around tempts people to move away from the truth and towards sense gratification. We believe that we are here in this Earthly life to enjoy everything but on one condition – no attachment. But Mother Maya is always there right around the corner to challenge us. At Devas Unlimited, we do not tell you anything new, the truth that we are all sparks of the same Divine consciousness is well known to all seekers. But we do share simple ways for
– Transformation (shifting from being negative to positive, pessimistic to optimistic, judgmental & critical to being more accepting, and self-loving and so on) and lead a more fulfilling, contented, love and peace filled life
– Practicing more, spiritually, to operate from the Atma instead of the Ego-mind complex. The more you practice, the more you go deeper into the sanctuary of your silence. The more you are silent the more you are Aware of who you truly are.

Through our services, you also experience the love and light that the Devas shower, which serves as a natural catalyst for transformation inner wellbeing.

Our Practitioners

Shivani Sinha Sola

Shivani Sinha Sola is the Founding Partner at Devas Unlimited. She is a spiritual counselor who works with the Devic/Angelic, Elemental, and Ascended Master realms. Devas Unlimited was started in 2008 under the guidance of Shivani’s Guru when Shivani and her family moved to Bangalore from the USA. Shivani’s inner balance and centeredness is what reflects in her interactions with clients and gives them a feeling of upliftment.

Shaguna Sinha

Shaguna is the Managing Partner at Devas Unlimited. Like her sister Shivani, she has had strong intuitive capabilities since a young age. She joined Devas Unlimited in 2011 to help more and more people connect with the Devic realm. Shaguna’s life was transformed through the Devas, and she excels in helping others to receive Devic guidance for themselves. When clients are with Shaguna, they are often overwhelmed by the pure unconditional love that naturally radiates from her.

Ruth Harris

Ruth brings more than 20 years of experience in healing and spiritual counseling to Devas Unlimited. She has studied with some of the most respected spiritual healers in the United States, including the well-known Delphi University in North Carolina, USA. She conducts spiritual counseling, psychic investigations, healings, workshops, and speaking engagements across the USA and internationally Ruth’s healings are magical and the wisdom that she shares with clients work like magic pills.

Neeraj Golwalkar,

Accomplished corporate executive and Sangeet Visharad, Neeraj infuses Devas Unlimited with his mastery of Hindustani classical vocal.