Divine Guidance Classes
Divine Guidance is the unlimited flow of God’s love, wisdom, and healing. God and His team of Devas welcome your continual requests for assistance. They want to help you with everything. Everyone can connect with the Devas and receive Divine Guidance. This class will show you how you can connect with the Devas and seek guidance by yourself.
These classes are conducted online via Skype and offline in Bangalore and Hyderabad. These classes consist of 3 sessions, each of duration 1 hour and 15 minutes. Each class is conducted after a gap of one week.
We also conduct personalized single (of 2 hours duration) classes for individuals and groups. If you are a group of 4 or more people who would like personalized classes, please write to us.
Service Details
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What Are The Learning Outcomes?
At the end of the course you will understand:
- What Divine Guidance is and how it works.
- Who are God’s Devas (angels) and how they can help you.
- Fine tuning the 4 inner senses (powerful meditations and practices to open and develop the four inner senses).
- How to distinguish between Divine guidance vs. the monkey mind.
- How to attain deep silence in which Divine guidance simply flows.
- What God really means by surrender
- Invoking the Archangels
Service Details
Payment Type | Price |
Within India (₹) | INR 6000 |
International (US $) | USD 255 |
Am I Eligible For Participation?
Everyone who has a keen desire to connect with their Divine self is eligible to enroll for this class. The pre-requisites are as follows:
- Daily spiritual sadhana of at least 30 minutes. This could include meditation, nama japam, chanting of the vedas, and/or pranayama.
- Vegetarian and teetotal diet.
- Dedication to practicing what is taught in the classes
What Is The Difference Between The Divine Guidance Workshop Video And The Classes?
The Divine Guidance video is a very comprehensive workshop and helps you to gain knowledge and understanding about the Devas. In the Divine Guidance classes, the focus is on experiencing the Devic presence. Individual attention is given to the participants to help them to release blocks and fears about receiving divine guidance.
What you experience in these classes depends on your level of awareness and practice.
Payment Options India
If you reside in India payment can be made Via online bank transfer. Bank details will be sent to you a few days prior to the session
Outside India
If you reside outside of India payment can be made through a PayPal link that will be sent to you a few days before the session
Other DU Services
Devic Makeover Session The Restoration Session helps restore our original Divine splendor. Each of us are, in the highest sense, a direct emanation from God.
Restoration Detoxification The Restoration Device is used by the Devas to rejuvenate our emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. It is a form of “angelic intelligence”
An Aura Reading Session is a great way to pinpoint what is happening with ourselves – emotionally, mentally, spiritually. During the Aura Reading Session, we